Edible Neighborhood bears fruit.

Last week muscadines were ripe on Nolan St.
This week we have homemade muscadine jelly!
That is what i call an Edible Neighborhood.
The grape vines are along the curb on Nolan St.,
there for anyone who wants to pick grapes.

It takes about an hour to make homemade jelly.
It's hard to explain how the freshness
tastes better than store bought.

Your Property Manager moonlights helping kittens

Paul Preston is the man behind the curtain.
He is also the man in front of the camera!
 Fur Kids Shelter



We give highest priority to clients who have....


Pears, Apples, Plums, And Figs. These are a fun, healthy part of life. We are making Chosewood the exemplary EDIBLE NEIGHBORHOOD.
In Chosewood, fruit and herbs will be right outside your door. We planted 3 dozen
fruit trees in the front yards of the homes in Chosewood. Along with Almonds, Hazelnuts, and about a thousand Day Lilies. We also planted dozens of Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley, and Thyme plants. There are Blueberries and Grape vines, too.

Want an edge on your application?

Follow this link and learn how to take care of a house.
HouseManShip 101


We know that your dog or cat, (bunny or goat?) is part of your family and we welcome responsible pet owners and their pets in our houses.
If you have an aggressive, fighting,

We respect you

We welcome LGBT to our homes.  

Get CREDIT for paying Rent

Learn how paying rent with Beltwood improves your credit.